Wollombi Medical Practice (WMP) is a modern, computerised, AGPAL accredited, family general practice, superbly located in West Cessnock which is Open Mondays to Fridays. WMP has experienced well trained support staff including registered nurses and is involved in medical education. There are supportive allied health onsite (pathology collection and podiatrist).
The practice is long standing, a purposely built Medical Centre, opened 2005 and further extended and refurbished 2015. The practice is a privately medically owned general practice. WMP is a mixed billing practice, more information on this can be found under the Fees tab. There is onsite and ample street parking available. We welcome your enquiry.

Our mission is to provide the highest standard of patient care incorporating a holistic approach toward diagnosis and management of illness.
Our practice is committed to promoting wellness and disease prevention to all patients. We do not discriminate in the provision of excellent care and aim to treat all patients with due respect.
Wollombi Medical Practice is an Accredited Practice. We are delighted to announce that our practice has been awarded accreditation by Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL).
General Medical consultations, Well Women’s Clinic (Pap Smears and Sexual Health), Well Men’s Clinic, Health Assessments for over 75’s, 45-49 year old checks, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessments, Diabetes Clinic, Immunisations, Type 2 Diabetes Risk Education, Chronic Disease Management , Workers Compensation Injuries, Pregnancy Tests and Antenatal Care, Skin Checks, Minor Surgery for removal of moles & sunspots, pre-employment examination,Home Visits, Nursing Home visits,etc..
We run an appointment system, but keep a few times available to fit in patients who have urgent problems, which will be dealt with promptly.
Appointments are normally at 10 minute intervals. This may change if there is any emergency, or the surgery is very busy. If you require a longer appointment, please notify receptionists prior to making an appointment.
Nobody likes to be kept waiting and we are all aware of this and try to adhere to appointment schedules. However, the unpredictable nature of medical practice means that doctors sometimes run behind time. This is mostly due to a patient requiring urgent medical attention. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused to patients when we fall behind with our appointment schedule.
If your appointment is for Workers Compensation or insurance purposes please notify the reception at all times. Please notify the surgery early of any cancellations, as this enables us to reschedule an appointment for other patients.
Walk-ins will be allocated the first available consultation, which may require some waiting.
Appointments can be made by phoning the surgery after 9am each day, or via our website.
Our Practice encourages continuity of care and encourage that each patient have a regular GP. Patient may see other GPs when their regular GP is unavailable.
Home visits are available to surgery regular patients; within a distance of 10km to patients who are unable to attend the surgery due to their medical condition. We do ask you limit the requests for home visits to the occasions where you are genuinely unable to attend the surgery. Home visits will be bulk billed
The practice provides 24 hour care for patients, on a roster system with Doctors from other practices. Please call Cessnock Hospital on 4991 0555 to find out who is on call. For urgent medical treatment call 000 or go directly to Cessnock Hospital.
You can contact the Doctor by phoning the practice during normal surgery hours. A message will be taken when the Doctor is busy with another patient. Of course in an emergency, calls will be put straight through to the Doctor. Any non-urgent calls will be returned by the doctor at the end of a session.
In order to monitor your health and fulfil our ethical and legal responsibilities, we require that you attend your doctor for a consultation if you require further prescriptions and referrals. If your doctor is not available, another doctor in the practice can attend to your request.
This practice is designed for wheelchair access. We have a wheelchair available if required. Should you have special needs please discuss them with your doctor.
This Practice endorses the Medicare Plus Package. This means the Government will pay additional fee for bulk billing concession card holders and children under the age of 16 years. The Practice will bulk bill patients with a current and valid Concession Card, and children under the age of 16 years.
The card must be presented to be bulk billed. Patients without a concession card will be charged as follows:
Short Consultations: | $45.30 | $18.20 | |
Standard Consultations: | $65.00 | $39.75 | |
Long Consultations: | $100.00 | $76.95 | |
Pro Long Consultations: | $140.00 | $113.30 |
Due to rising costs, additional fees may be payable for certain services, these will be discussed with you at the time of booking.
Workcover: If you are attending the practice for work related injuries, it is practice policy to bill every consultation privately, payable at time of consultation until your employer’s insurance accepts liability. Please see our friendly front office staff for any enquiries.
It is the Practice policy that patients make appointments to come back and see their GP for their test results. If urgent, the practice will contact you to come in earlier.
Your Medical Record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times, and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of the staff. For more details please ask reception staff to see a copy of our Privacy Policy.
Our practice regularly engages with local health services, such as specialists, allied health and hospitals. If required, your GP will provide sufficient information (referral letter) to plan and facilitate optimal patient care.
This practice is committed to preventative care. A reminder system is available for Pap Smears, Immunisations and Preventive Health Checks at the surgery. The Government also helps keep the Pap and Australian Childhood Immunisation Registers. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health care. If you do not wish to take part in this system, please let us know at the reception.
This practice has a no smoking policy.
From time to time this practice participates in Patient Surveys, to assist us with improvements to our quality of care and services. They are optional and confidential. If you are unhappy with any aspect of care you receive, please feel free to discuss this with the Practice Manager or your Doctor. You may prefer to write to us or use our suggestion box. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. However, if you feel there is a complaint you need to take up outside the surgery, you may prefer to contact
This practice is a teaching practice and we have medical students on a regular basis in the practice and patients have the option of students sitting in on their consultation or not.
Doctors at Wolombi Medical Practice enjoy passing on their experience to the students and it is in hope that their time spent at our clinic will help them consider moving to a country area when they have completed their studies.

My Health Record is a digital health record that can keep your important health information like any allergies, medical conditions, treatments and medicines all in one place online.
Wollombi Medical Practice believes having a My Health Record can help you and your clinicians better manage your care over time. When you’re being seen and treated by different healthcare providers, it can be challenging to keep track of all your health information. My Health Record is a secure online summary of your important health information, making it easier for the health professionals involved in your care to make decisions about your care.
My Health Record travels with you, so you don’t need to worry about remembering and repeating all of your medical history. It also allows for faster administering of appropriate healthcare which can be especially important in an emergency. There is even a private section of the My Health Record where you can add your own personal health notes that won’t be seen by any health professionals – like a private health diary.
Just as other technologies have revolutionised the way we manage our lives, having a My Health Record has the potential to change how we manage our health care.To find out more click here, Go to myhealthrecord.gov.au, call 1800 723 471 or visit a Medicare Service Centre.
We have a large selection of brochures and leaflets for your perusal. There is a brochure stand in the front waiting areas. If you cannot find the relevant information, please ask our staff and they will find or order in what you require.
As a courtesy to your fellow patients and Doctor we ask that you turn your mobile phones off or to silent when you enter the practice. This is to minimise interruptions and to enable your Doctor to maximise their time with you.